Take As Prescribed: MVP's Medication Quiz
Many adults do not take medication as prescribed. How much do
you know about taking medication properly?
1. How many Americans fail to take any or all of their prescription
a. One-fourth
b. Two-thirds
2. Medication compliance is a medical term that means:
a. Understanding why your doctor prescribed the medication and how
and when you are supposed to take it.
b. Taking medication exactly as prescribed
c. Following the recommendations regarding food, drinks and other medicines
or activities while taking the medication
d. All of the above
3. What measures can you take to assure that you will get the
most out of the medication you are prescribed?
a. Discuss your concerns with your doctor or pharmacist and ask questions.
b. Use memory aides (reminders) to prompt yourself to take your drugs.
c. Don't quit taking a prescription without talking with your physician
or pharmacist.
d. All of the above
1. b. Two-thirds of Americans fail to take any or all of their prescription
medications. Some other statistics include: 12 percent don't fill their
precriptions at all and another 12 percent don't take the medication
at all after they buy the prescription. Almost 29 percent stop taking
their medicine before it runs out. It is dangerous not to take prescribed
medications. Ten percent of all hospitalizations are the result of failing
to take prescription medications correctly.
2. d. The answer is all of the above. Compliance is a medical term
that doctors, pharmacists and nurses use when talking about a patient's
adherance with all aspects of a treatment planincluding medications,
diet, exercise and follow-up care. In everyday language, compliance
means that you are following the doctor's recommendations and taking
medications correctly. Non-compliance can place your health at risk.
3. d. The answer is all of the above. If you find a drug is difficult
to take or is causing unpleasant side effects, let your doctor know.
There may be another drug or dosage to treat your condition or symptoms.
Don't stop taking a medication without talking with your doctor or pharmacist.
If you don't take your medication correctly, it can't help